Hello fellow team members: This site is here for all of us to add and share our crazy summer picts! Below are directions on how to do it!
(If you can't figure it out, just email them to nbohner@yahoo.com, & I'll add them for you!) Happy sharing!
Directions on how to post your picts to this site:
1 Login to www.blogger.com
2 User Name: teamblackout, Password: slu***rs (it's the name of our softball team)
3 Click on: ...? (under blog name)
4 Click on: 'Create New Post' button
5 Name your post in the box named 'Title'
6 Click on the picture icon (the button after spell check [/abc] below the title box)
7 A box should pop up that says 'Add an image from your computer'
8 Browse from your computer, find your picts, & upload!
9 If this is too complicated, just email them to Nicki at nbohner@yahoo.com
(FYI: the above method might not work on a Mac, unless you have Mozilla Firefox)